Course Overview

VeriSM is a framework that describes a service management approach from the organizational level, looking at the end to end view rather than focusing on a single department. Based on the VeriSM model, it shows organizations how they can adopt a range of management practices in a flexible way to deliver the right product or service at the right time to their consumers. VeriSM allows for a tailored approach depending upon the type of business you are in, the size of your organization, your business priorities, your organizational culture – and even the nature of the individual project or service you are working on.

Rather than focusing on one prescriptive way of working, VeriSM helps organizations to respond to their consumers and deliver value with integrated VeriSM service management practices.

VeriSM™ describes a service management approach which is:

  • Value-driven
  • Evolving
  • Responsive
  • Integrated
  • Service
  • Management

Below topics would be covered in detailed

  • Module 1: An Introduction to VeriSM™
  • Module 2: Service Management
  • Module 3: The VeriSM™ Approach
  • Module 4: The Management Mesh
  • Module 5: Digital Transformation
  • Module 6: Conclusion

  • The Service Organization
  • Service culture
  • People and organizationalstructure
  • The VeriSM™ model
  • Progressive practices
  • Innovative technologies
  • Getting started

  • Service Managers and Practitioners
  • Service Provider Portfolio Managers
  • Process /Project / Program / Supplier / Change Managers
  • Service Level / Business Relationship Managers
  • Service / Process Architects
  • Business Change / Organizational Changer Practitioners


Type: Online Exam having Forty (40) multiple choice. Each question will have 4 options, one of which is right carrying 1 mark.

Duration: 60 minutes. Candidates sitting the examination in a language other than their native language have 25% extra time

Pass Score:65% (26of 40)

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